The Power of Right To Repair


Let's learn something about Right To Repair and what it means for the relationships between consumers and companies. Get to know why it is important for the consumers. 

What is the Right to Repair?

The Right to Repair is a consumer movement that advocates for the right of the consumer to access and repair their own electronic products, without being restricted by manufacturers. It aims to make replacement parts, repair information, and tools more affordable and accessible to consumers and third-party repair technicians.

The main goals of the Right to Repair movement are as follows:

  • Give everyone fair access to documentation (manuals, schematics) and software updates.
  • Make the necessary parts and tools available to third parties (repair centres), and also the consumer.

Mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives, but they are also complex devices prone to various issues such as hardware malfunctions, software glitches, or damaged components. Traditionally, when a mobile phone breaks or malfunctions, the common practice has been to send it back to the manufacturer or an authorized repair centre, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

In case you have a different opinion on repairing an old device or worn-out device, then refer to my previous article Old Device + New Software = More Issues article for more details.

Why is the Right to Repair Important?

The Right to Repair is a consumer protection concept that helps to ensure that consumers have access to their own products and that they can repair them if needed. Allowing consumers to repair their own products, not only helps to reduce costs for the consumer but also ensures that products are not discarded when they could be easily fixed.

The right-to-repair movement aims to challenge this status quo by promoting several key principles:

  1. Accessibility of Information: Advocates argue that consumers should have access to repair manuals, service schematics, and diagnostic tools for their mobile phones. This information allows individuals to identify and fix common issues, understand the underlying technology, and gain the knowledge necessary to carry out repairs.
  2. Availability of Spare Parts: The right-to-repair movement calls for manufacturers to make spare parts readily available to consumers and independent repair businesses. This includes components such as screens, batteries, connectors, and other commonly replaced parts. Ensuring the availability of affordable and genuine replacement parts makes repairs more accessible and cost-effective.
  3. Fair Repair Practices: The movement also emphasizes the importance of fair and reasonable repair practices. This includes avoiding practices such as designing products with non-removable batteries, utilizing proprietary screws, or implementing software locks that prevent repairs by anyone other than authorized personnel. Fair repair practices promote a more open and user-friendly approach, encouraging competition and reducing reliance on a single manufacturer's repair services.
It is worth noting that the movement started way back in 1975...but I will not go into those details. Go to iFixit and learn more about the timeline.

How Can Consumers Benefit from the Right to Repair?

The Right to Repair movement can help to save consumers money by allowing them to repair their own products instead of having to buy a new ones. This also helps to reduce waste, as products that can be repaired can be reused instead of thrown away. Additionally, the Right to Repair movement helps to ensure that consumers have more control over their products, which can be especially beneficial for those living in rural areas or areas without reliable repair services.

The right-to-repair movement has gained significant traction worldwide, with legislation and regulatory efforts emerging in various countries. Some governments are considering or have already enacted laws to support consumers' right to repair. These initiatives aim to establish legal frameworks that oblige manufacturers to provide repair information and sell spare parts to consumers and independent repair businesses on fair terms.

Supporters of the right to repair argue that it benefits consumers by providing greater control over their devices, reducing e-waste by extending the lifespan of products and fostering local repair economies. Critics, on the other hand, often claim that unauthorized repairs may compromise device security, intellectual property rights, or safety standards, although proponents argue that proper regulation and guidelines can address these concerns.


In summary, the right-to-repair movement strives to empower mobile phone consumers by promoting access to repair information, spare parts, and fair repair practices. Its goal is to give individuals the freedom to repair their devices independently or seek affordable repair services outside the manufacturer's official channels.

The Right to Repair is an important consumer protection concept that helps to protect consumers' rights and ensure that they have access to their own products. By allowing consumers to repair their own products, it also helps to reduce costs, reduce waste, and ensure that consumers have more control over their products. The Right to Repair is a powerful tool for consumers, and it's important that consumers understand how it can help them. 

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