Blank Tape Tax 2023: A Win for Content Creators?

Not gonna lie, it would be very cliché to say “Another Tax!?”. However someone is going to ask. Yes my people, another tax. This newest one is named the Blank Tape Tax. 

Kenyan Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba made the announcement of the new tax on the Friday of August 25th of 2023. Blank Tape Tax will be levied on all digital and electronic devices with the ability to record or produce internet content. This tax will be applied to all imported devices, including mobile phones from foreign manufacturers.

The blank tape tax purposely plans to enhance digital content creation in the country. CS Adabu Namwamba believes that the blank tape tax is necessary to protect the interests of copyright holders and content creators in the country. Claiming that the new tax will be significant and increase the collection of digital royalties.

The new tax, looks to make a major impact on parties involved a various number of ways. The tax with the help of its online content consumers hope to expand the digital economy.  For the musicians and content creators, the tax aims to assist the government to collect royalties digitally to pay these creators, establish key facilities where they can train their skills and promote them domestically and internationally.

Lastly , for the economy CS Namwamba commented that if implemented effectively, these policies can help transform the creative economy and make it a key driver of economic growth and development.

Digital Content Creation has been on the rise for a while now, it will only grow now with the boom of TikTok, Instagram , X (formerly called Twitter), YouTube and other social media platforms. Do you think this tax will be helpful to the Kenyan Economy and those parties involved or not? Share your thoughts down below. 

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