Tech Tip: How To Handle Laptop Water Damage.

Hello there computer user. I have decided to start some random series on tech tips (will also be in video content soon). 

So, you found yourself in an oopsie moment. By oopsie, I meant you made a mess with your peripherals. truth is, accidents happen and they are unpredictable. But what happens when you are in a situation where hot water has spilt on the back of your laptop?

This needs immediate action before the damage escalates further. So you'll need to follow these steps.

Emergency Shutdown: Power Off Immediately

The first and most crucial step is to turn off your laptop promptly. If the laptop is still on, shut it down properly and unplug it from the power source.

Disconnect Peripherals: Unplug Accessories

Remove any connected devices, such as USB drives, external hard drives, or other peripherals. This helps isolate the laptop and prevents damage to external devices.

Battery Removal (If Applicable): Prevent Electrical Damage

If your laptop has a removable battery, take it out to prevent potential electrical damage. This is a crucial step in protecting the internal components.

Unplug External Power: Eliminate Electrical Hazards

If your laptop is connected to a power source, unplug it to eliminate any potential electrical hazards and ensure safety during the drying process.

Turn it Upside Down: Drain Residual Liquid

To minimize further damage, turn your laptop upside down. This helps drain any remaining liquid and prevents it from seeping deeper into the internal components.

Open the Laptop (If Comfortable): Aid the Drying Process

If you are comfortable doing so and warranty concerns are not an issue, consider opening the laptop to expose the internal components. This facilitates the drying process.

Let it Dry: Patience is Key

Allow the laptop to air-dry in a cool, dry place for at least 24-48 hours. Avoid using a hairdryer or heat source, as excessive heat can cause additional damage.

Use Desiccants: Absorb Moisture

Place your laptop in a bag with silica gel packets to help absorb moisture. Ensure the laptop is powered off and sealed in the bag during this process.

Seek Professional Help: When in Doubt

If you're uncomfortable or if the laptop doesn't seem to be working after drying, it's advisable to consult a professional technician for assessment and potential repairs.

Here is What Not To Do incase water comes in contact with water or liquid:

  1. Don’t turn on your laptop in the middle of the drying process. Give it at least 24 hours to dry. Be patient!
  2. To dry excess liquid never use any cloths containing lint. Using clothes with lint can cause further damage to your laptop and make things even worse. Use microfibre cloths to remove liquid from your laptop. To dry small, hard to get to areas in your laptop use cotton earbuds.
  3. Very important rule is to never use hot air from hair-dryer. The heat can and will cause damage to the laptop. Strong wind forces liquid to go deeper inside the laptop reaching more internal components. Very hot air usually makes keyboards to melt, making you laptop unusable.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution for water damage, and outcomes may vary. Always exercise caution and, when in doubt, seek professional assistance. By acting swiftly and following these steps, you increase the chances of mitigating water damage to your laptop.

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