A Toast To Our 1-Year Milestone

Hello there techies. It's been a minute since we did another article post after the last newsletter. In this newsletter, we write a celebration of our first milestone, 1 year since we made it to the internet with the brand called GizMunch.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, milestones serve as beacons of progress and innovation. For the next weeks, we celebrate a significant achievement in the realm of tech reporting and storytelling—a milestone that not only reflects the journey of a single platform but also the collective strides of the tech community.

To be precise, it was just 4 guys who decided to create a blog platform in November 2022 and months later on 28th January 2023, we formed a team, planned out our brand, found some closely satisfying website templates, and on 6th March 2023, we went live via BlogSpot with our first intro article.

Our articles so far

This marks our 100th article to be published. So far, we have covered new tech research areas to opinion articles. Some of them became best-reader articles with readers yearning for more written content from our authors.

We have covered some previous notable tech events in the city of Nairobi, some in various universities e.g. JKUAT, Strathmore University and Kabarak University, some at business conferences, and a few social events with recognizable tech segments.

Some video content

We have also tried to put out some visual content on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. Most of them consist of tech reports, insights and gadget reviews. And we plan to put out even better visual content (stay tuned).

Our Commitment

Here at GizMunch, we are committed to giving honest product reviews, insightful tech knowledge and updates on the must-attend hottest tech events in town. We are also committed to delivering rich quality in due time and consistent content in the coming weeks.

We're excited to explore tech, report tech, educate about tech and make you crave more tech.

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